Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Heather's Story Part 3

AFTER The Hand Analysis Session = Career Confusion Solved!

Heather Dominick experienced a profound transformation as the result of her hand analysis session. Last issue, we explored what her hands revealed. This week, we're going to explore what she's done with the information.

To review, here are Heather's "hand stats:"
Life Purpose = Passionate Innovative Messenger in the Spotlight
Business Niche = "The Healer to Healers"
Field Research = Business Mentoring and Coaching
Life Lesson = Incompletion, Powerlessness and Self-Worth Issues
(Life Lesson Learned = Success, Leadership, and Self-Value, especially in relationship to money, business and spiritual integrity)

As Heather told me, "Beth, this WHOLE process is so needed. My transformation happened as a result of not only the hand analysis session, but what happened with you AFTER the hand analysis session. It's so much more."

What happened AFTER Heather's Hand Analysis Session?
Heather expressed her experience this way:

"Before working with Beth Davis, I had been in business for two years as a Health and Wellness Coach. Things were going fine, but I really felt as if there was something about my life purpose that was missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. When I had my hand analysis session with Beth, she noticed a pattern on my palm, underneath my pinky, that indicated I was a "Healer to Healers." I instantly got an energetic hit that this was right on, but I had no idea what to do with it.

As I coached with Beth over the next 8 months, I was able to authentically come to the clarity that it is my life purpose to coach other healers, solo-practitioners and entrepreneurs on building their businesses. This epiphany is truly the first time that I've ever been able to look back at all that has come before in my life and see how it needed to happen in order for me to be where I am today - happily and successfully coaching others to create professional, profitable businesses that involve healing. I would never have been able to come to this clarity without Beth's incredible strength, guidance and wisdom. I am truly grateful and would be happy to chat about my experience further."

To more vividly demonstrate Heather's inner transformation, I figured what better way than sharing Heather's own wisdom!

How To Change The Energy Of Career Confusion
By Heather Dominick, “The Energy Expert”

Have you ever felt confused when it comes to your career? Maybe you’ve felt unsatisfied in your work, longed for some challenges or knew that you wanted to enter a certain profession or start a business, but just felt unsure about what to do. Whenever this topic comes up with my clients (as it has also come up for myself) I’ve learned to notice that it isn’t really about confusion, it’s more about fear of success.

Do any of these fears connect for you? The fear of starting something new, fear that you won’t be able to measure up, fear of disappointing others that count on you, fear of not doing something right, fear that you’re a fraud, and the biggie, fear that you DON’T DESERVE IT?

I don’t think I know anyone who hasn’t experienced some form of fear when starting a new career or beginning a business. It’s natural. The problem is when it stifles our energy and leaves us living dull and disconnected from our purpose.

So how do we move past that fear and on into the success of our lives? We look for the coffee.

When I was a teenager and would get so nervous the night before starting a new job my dad would always say to me, “By this time tomorrow, you’ll know where the coffee is.” This was code for – you’re scared because it’s unknown, but you’ve got to actually go do it to get to the known. And he was always right. By the end of my first day, not only did I know where the employees got their coffee, but it was also always a good conversation starter to people I didn’t know, “Could you please tell me where the coffee is? Oh, I take mine with just milk. No sugar, thanks.” You get the idea.

Fear of change keeps people from thriving, from evolving, from asking for what
they really want, from reaching out to connect with others, from taking care of themselves, and from challenging themselves. You are the manager of your energy and this equals the master of your life and this includes what you do for work and the level of your success.

Ok, so this sounds all good, right? But exactly HOW does one become the master of their success? Well, I’m what I like to call a “Get-It-Done-Gal." If I’m going to master anything (especially my life’s work) I’m going to want to know some concrete steps that I can take to do that. Now I know you’re thinking (maybe wishing?) that I’m about to try to pass off a magic bullet. Nope. What I am going to say is that there are exact steps to take, but those steps aren’t about expending your energy outward instead those steps are about turning your energy inward. We’ve got to shift the inside to see the results on the outside.

Here’s what you do:

1. Begin by identifying the original fear that’s holding you back from making a career change or starting a business. (Fear of starting something new, fear that you won’t be able to measure up, fear of disappointing others that count on you, fear of not doing something right, or, again, maybe the biggie, fear that you DON’T DESERVE IT … or perhaps it’s something else for you.)

2. Look at your work history.
Start with your first job. Write it down. (Don’t just read; do. You’ll get faster results. Trust me.) Continue the list from there. Now go back and mark what you did and did not like about each job and how long you stayed in each position.What map do you see in front of you?

3. Celebrate what you’ve done.
Give yourself a big pat on the back for everything that you’ve experienced and achieved so far. Nothing is too small. Wahoo! Go you! Seriously. To energize your success you want to start with acknowledging what you’ve done so far.

4. Accept the compliments of others. This is just as important as #3.
If you want more energy and success in your career and business – you’ve got to be able to let it in! If you can’t say “thank you” when someone tells you they like your sweater, what makes you think you’ll leave your energy open to accepting a large raise, bonus, or new, high-paying clients?

5. Track your commitment.
Career Confusion and Fear of Success are great ways to talk around what you say you want without having to actually do anything. It’s important to check in with yourself – do I really want this? Take one week and track the amount of times you think about/talk about making this career/business change. What kind of energy is generated? Do you feel excited, but scared? Or could you really care one way or another?

6. Visualize your new career/business success.
Take a look around you – right where you are this moment reading this. Take everything in. Now, what would you like to be different? Close your eyes and see and really feel what it would be like around you if you were successful in your new career/business.

7. Reevaluate the limiting belief or your fear.
Is this fear who you are or maybe, just maybe, now that you’ve shed some light on it - not so powerful after all? Is it perhaps just a defense (again, it’s natural to defend yourself when you’re scared) or an excuse because you’re actually happy to stay where you are, but feel pressured by others to want more, do more. The more open and honest we can be with ourselves about our fears the less power they have and the more energy we have available to us to actually make the change.


Heather's Story Part 2

Heather's Hand Analysis Session = Please Meet "The Passionate Innovative Messenger in the Spotlight"

Heather Dominick experienced a profound transformation as the result of her hand analysis session. Last issue, we explored where she was BEFORE her session. Today, let's look at what her hands revealed.

Heather's Specific "Life Purpose"
Heather's fingerprints revealed that her life purpose is to be the "Passionate Innovative Messenger in the Spotlight." What does this mean? "Passionate" means that Heather flourishes when she lives from a place of her true desires and takes a stand for her beliefs. Her passion is a barometer for her success. This is not true for everyone. Some people are excited by a sense of duty or responsibility or get their high when money rolls into their bank account. Of course, most of us like having money in our bank accounts. The thing to remember with the hands is that it's a matter of degree. You can make a 1,000 things with flour, sugar and eggs but it doesn't mean they taste the same or have the same texture. People are like that too - similar ingredients, different outcomes.

"Innovative" indicates that Heather is a renegade, a maverick, a rebel. She is ahead of the pack - so when she looks out onto the horizon, there is no one leading the way. She simply sees the edge of the Earth dropping off into the sunrise. The key to remember is that people are trying to keep up with her, but no matter how slowly Heather moves, she'll still be moving ahead of the status quo, innovating, on the cutting edge. There is NO MODEL for what she wants to create. If you have innovation as part of your life purpose, you also bring a sense of mastery to what you do. Heather does things well, with precision, because she can't imagine doing otherwise. She takes great pride in doing something well simply for the sake of doing it well. A job well done is its own reward.

"Messenger." Heather has a message to deliver to a large audience. She is a gifted author and speaker. The challenge is to find her message. You can bet it's going to be innovative and fill Heather with excitement and passion. But what, what, what? If you are a messenger, you've probably had moments at one time or another when you wondered if that message will ever arrive. We'll explore Heather's message in Part Three of this series.

"In the Spotlight." When I lived in Los Angeles, I saw "in the spotlight" in many, many hands. No wonder, as LA is the "spotlight" capital of the world. Of course, I've also seen the spotlight in the hands of people from Nebraska, Texas, Michigan, China and Spain, so no one is limited by geography when it comes to our calling. Heather is called to BE in the spotlight, to have an audience cheering her on, applauding her humor, wisdom and insight. In fact, her audience helps her SPREAD her message. If you are called to the spotlight, please know this: It's NOT because your ego is out of control. Wanting an audience doesn't mean you're vain or lacking in self-esteem (and even if you are, it's due to other issues.) If you crave, long for, dream about being in the limelight, please know that it's your life purpose whispering to you. People who don't really want to be in the spotlight don't fantasize about being in the spotlight. I invite you to ponder that concept for a minute.

Heather's Business Niche
Once I've looked at someone's life purpose, I then look for gift markings to give me a sense of how the life purpose could be expressed in terms of a career. Heather has a gift marking called the "healer to healers." She's the person that other people with interests in the healing arts seek out for "healing." That helps narrow her target market in terms of her ideal client and it also sets her apart from others. Who is your target market? If you're a "healer to healers," it's probably other healers.

Heather's opportunity is to combine her gift as the "healer to healers" with her life purpose as the passionate innovative messenger in the spotlight. We'll explore HOW she's now doing this in Part Three of this series.

"Field Research"
Hands have information that isn't specifically categorized as "life purpose" or "gifts." I classify these areas as "field research." Heather's field research falls under business mentoring and coaching. Doing her field research in business, Heather acquires the knowledge and experience to mentor her clients so that they succeed in their businesses. Of course, the greatest benefit of this field research is that Heather succeeds in her business!

Heather's "Life Lesson"
Your life lesson is your blind spot, your least-evolved skill, your nemesis, your shadow. However, once integrated and understood, your life lesson is the key that opens the door to your life purpose. It's very simple: consciously LEARNING your life lesson = LIVING your life purpose with fulfillment.

Heather's life lesson includes issues around incompletion, powerlessness and self-worth. Her challenge is to learn how to complete tasks, own her power and value her self. From a business stand point, she is challenged to complete her most difficult tasks, take a stand in the world for her vision, and get paid what's she worth for her products and services. The beauty of her lesson - and everyone's lesson - is that what we are here to learn is what we are here to teach. Why? We spend soooo much time learning about it - we become experts! Heather is becoming a Successful, Powerful, Businesswoman. Her life lesson urges her to do this in order to have her life purpose as the "Passionate Innovative Messenger in the Spotlight" flourish and succeed. But Heather didn't need me to tell her that. :-)

Passion + Profit Together???
One of my passions is helping spiritually-oriented entrepreneurs to get paid for their passions. There is ONE fundamental issue causing money problems in your life and it's called "low self-worth." Until we feel worthy of receiving praise, acknowledgment and money for what we give to our clients, we are apt to experience debt, financial drought, feast and famine cycles, hoarding, etc. I know people with lots of money who think they have none and people with none who act as if they are millionaires (but the creditors keep calling!). Heather has found a unique - dare I say "innovative" - method of delivering her passions to the world and getting paid for it.

As Heather told me, "Beth, this WHOLE process is so needed. My transformation happened as a result of not only the hand analysis session, but what happened with you AFTER the hand analysis session. It's so much more."


Heather's Story Part 1

BEFORE Her Hand Analysis Session = Searching For The "Missing Piece

Heather Dominick experienced a profound transformation as the result of her hand analysis session. Let's find out where she was BEFORE having her hands read. Here is a statement from Heather:

"My name is Heather Dominick, and I’ve spent a lot of time and energy in the past desperately trying to understand “what to do.” I worked as a high school drama teacher for eight years, loved my students and excelled at my work, but constantly felt like I wasn’t able to be fully grounded in my life. What I looked like was this: over-exhausted, overwhelmed, and overweight. I was great at pulling it all together, putting on a good performance, and getting the job done, but I was too disconnected from my own experience to feel any of it. Instead, I just felt kind of fuzzy."

Feeling that fuzziness, that missing piece caused Heather to seek out more clarity and deeper self-understanding. She wanted bigger ideas and visions for her life. She wanted clarity about her business - her niche, her target market, her passion. While doing high school theater, Heather developed skills that would come to serve her later: looking at a scene and a stage, and then creating something magical, so that a story could appear.

To create this magical new story, Heather knew she needed to switch the focus of her business from the topic of "healing and wellness" to something else - but to WHAT? She wanted to feel "the click" of aligning her specific life purpose with her business. She wanted to help others find this magic as well - to have a sensation about their lives and businesses where they would say, “Whoo hoo, this is great!” She wanted to HEAR that. But HOW?

HOW would she discover the range of her skills, what she is here to offer, the confidence to implement her skills and the courage to raise her rates to a level appropriate with her skills?


Jennifer's Story: Becoming A "Coach To Coaches"

Jennifer and I met in New York City in 2001 via mutual friends. I was there conducting hand analysis sessions. Jennifer said, "I've gotta get a hand reading while you're in town." Shortly thereafter, I met with Jennifer at her home in New Jersey. (When I first started my business, I made a lot of housecalls. I still enjoy being "down-home Bette" when I can and making visits to people's homes. Each visit is an honor - I'm being invited into someone's special universe.)

At the time of our first meeting, Jennifer was aware of her interests in spiritual and metaphysical topics as well as her creative abilities including photography, cooking, and gardening. She wanted to go further with her dreams but was bumping up against her fears of letting go and really trusting her intuition. Jennifer's hands revealed that her life purpose is the Powerful Inspirational Communicator/Healer/Coach & Artist in the Spotlight and her life lessons include issues around achieving her desired goals and questioning her self-worth.

Hand Lesson: Recently, on October 25, 2006, we had another hand analysis session to see what, if anything, had changed in Jennifer's hands since our first session on November 5, 2001. The ONLY factor in your hands that doesn't change is your fingerprints. Everything else in your hands can change - including the shape, color, lines, curve or straightness of the fingers, etc. Shown here are prints of Jennifer's right hand from each reading.

Obviously, these hand prints are not to scale. What was noticeable to me was how more refined Jennifer's hand appears in the new print. The lines are more defined, indicating more clarity in her life. The shape of the hand has changed, becoming rounder on the bottom of the palm, indicating a deepening need for harmony and beauty in her life. Her fingers are also thinner and longer, indicating an increased psychic sensitivity and greater attention to detail.

I said to Jennifer, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it." Jennifer's hands now indicate she is more in touch with her intuition, indicating self-trust. Self-trust is especially notable in her case because both her left-hand pinky fingerprint and the multiple vertical lines beneath her pinky fingers on both palms indicate that part of Jennifer's path is to be a healer. Healers have two core obstacles: trusting themselves and learning to allow the process of life, surrender to it, rather than attempting to control it. These issues, unresolved, create problems in the healer's romantic life. Why? As a healer, you have the ability to help another person know themselves. This requires intimacy. Intimacy is the abiltiy to reveal one's innermost self to another. In other words, if you don't use it, you lose it.

If you're a healer and you're not being paid for your healing work, you're going to have relationship issues. Jennifer, I'm happy to report, is now in a wonderful intimate relationship. She is also doing her healing work professionally as an adjunct to her work in public relations. These two bits of information about Jennifer's life are very much connected. Healers often ask me - at the end of their session - "So, what about a romantic relationship?" And my response is always the same, "As they say, don't put the cart before the horse. Do your healing work and the romantic partner will follow. NOT the other way around." And then they ask me, "Okay, but what about that romantic relationship?" Uh-huh. You get the idea... there is no way around our gifts. We must use them or suffer the consquences of not using them.

In the time since we first met, Jennifer's healing mark on her right palm has developed more vertical lines. This indicates that she has now advanced to the "healer to healers" status. She's the healer other healers visit when they need a tune up. Jennifer said to me, "I'd take it a step further and say I'm the coach to coaches. I'll be very in your face. Friends will say to me about someone 'oh, isn't she sweet?' and I'll be thinking, 'Are you kidding? She has a LOT Of work to do.' I can see what's needed." Of course, Jennifer has tact and doesn't just blurt it out. You have to make an appointment for that kind of honesty. :-) What Jennifer is finding out is that by trusting her wisdom and giving over to it, she has more confidence and is getting phenomenal results with her clients. (Her life lessons, if you recall from the beginning of this article, involve issues around getting results and self-worth.)

I can testify to Jennifer's phenomenal healing talent. I asked Jennifer to do an essential oil protocol for me and she said, "Beth, you're going to create more abundance, belief in yourself, excitement about your increasing self-awareness, clarity, peace and healing." I was impressed with the words she used because I knew I had issues to clear up in those areas. Using her protocol, which involves essential oils, affirmations and consultations with Jennifer, I am astounded at how BIG the vision for my life has become and how much opportunity I'm attracting. One deal I'm currently negotiating is a multi-million dollar contract - and that's for one year of work! I kid you not! As Donald Trump said, "If you're going to be thinking anyway, you may as well think big." Here here!

I had no idea how small I'd been thinking. Remember my story about another one of my mentors, Ali Brown, the Ezine Queen, and her desire for a beach house? She'd said, "Well, it's kind of out there, but what I really want is..." Then, after some lessons in manifestation, she said, "Okay, I'm visualizing my ideal home and my only job is to believe and be ready to receive." Viola! A few months and a lot of visualization later, she bought that beach house. Seen the movie, "The Secret" yet? More tools on this same topic. I could go on and on about the power of having a BIG vision for your life.


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